Monday, March 7, 2011

Button Earrings DIY

I am super excited to finally get another craft up. I followed the tutorial on Trey and Lucy's blog and did the project with Sammy (my sister). We had lots of fun making them and picking them out. We spent so much time in Joann's just gazing at the massive variety of buttons they had to offer... I think it took more time to pick them out than to actually make the earrings.

Tools: Little tea cup buttons and earring backs.

You need to remove the little pieces on the backs of the buttons. This was hard for me because I forgot to buy the button shank remover Trey and Lucy mention in their blog.  However, I managed to get them off with a pair of pliers. 

My dad helped to smooth out the back with his dremel tool. This probably wouldn't have been needed if I had used the button shank remover.

Once the buttons were smoothed out, all we had to do was attach the earring part with a small dab of hot glue!

I love them so much!

This pair is going to be a gift. :)

We went a little crazy...


Leave your thoughts! :)